whispers of the heart

a 21-day virtual container with
cacao & meditation

21 days to come back to the heart
Sept 18th - October 10th

 Join us in starting a new season; softening, cultivating gentleness, and coming back to the heart with meditation, cacao and journaling.

On these 21 days we will meet virtually to welcome the new season with gentleness and precision, to go within, tune to our hearts and navigate life in integrity with our intuition and purpose with the support of our plant allies.

4 cacao circle live calls
3 meditation & journaling live calls
14 recordings with daily meditations

“Whispers of the Heart” is an invitation to nourish by softening, simplifying and connecting to the breath; an invitation to call in relaxation and trust.

We will gather virtually on Zoom for 4 cacao circles and 3 meditation sessions.

Whispers of the heart ♡
One time
For 2 weeks

✓ 4 cacao circles
✓ 3 live meditation & journaling sessions
✓ 14 meditation recordings
✓ Access to the container & recordings for 6 months

(ceremonial cacao not included)

“I am very grateful for Caro and her healing abilities, I truly felt that her guidance and the community of all the beautiful women was the key to opening my heart. It was a very safe place to be, and the healing that followed in the process provided a learning ground for new work and explorations. I feel very blessed and fortunate to have been able to connect with this beautiful plant and people through this container and deepen my relationship that continues to grow every day. Such a precious gift.” -Olga

We will meet 4 times for cacao circles, 3 times to meditate and journal, and you will receive a new recording of a mindfulness meditation practice for you to follow along in your own time.

We will come back to simplicity by tuning into a daily 20-minute mindfulness meditation, a journaling practice and step back into the power that slowing down has towards bringing us back to the present moment, to enjoy it as it is.

Cacao circles:

Wednesday Sept 18th, Thursdays: Sept. 26th, Oct 3rd and Oct 10th
1pm EST (find your local time

Meditation, journaling & sharing sessions:

Sundays: Sept. 22nd, Sept. 29th and Oct 6th.
5.30am EST (find your local time

All sessions will be recorded and available for 6 months

Through these 21 days, we will explore long-life tools that can support us in returning to the present and the beauty of life. These 21 days can set the tone for the new season and the ways we show up to our lives in the long run.

Inviting you to make a little time to connect with the whispers of your heart and enjoy the beauty of life.  

"I truly cherished every single moment spent with Caro and this wonderful community during my time in Whispers of the Heart. I feel like this container gave me the opportunity to reconnect with myself and connect to so many other inspirational like-minded individuals. Caro created a supportive environment that made me feel safe and comfortable to open up completely and just be myself. It is through this experience that I have been able to incorporate meditation and Cacao ceremony into my life to support my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing. This group allowed me to set aside time for myself which cultivated lasting peace, presence and gratitude. Thank you so much to Caro and to the beautiful energy she radiates into this sacred space and for all of the lives that she has touched through this collective gathering of amazing souls."
- Brooke Armstrong

21 days to come back to you heart

Whispers of the heart ♡
One time
For 2 weeks

✓ 4 cacao circles
✓ 3 live meditation & journaling sessions
✓ 14 meditation recordings
✓ Access to the container & recordings for 6 months

We will connect with the medicine of cacao to support us in stepping back into our hearts, our desires, and our love for life.

If you have any questions regarding the container, please email me at info@carolina-arevalo.com

All scholarships have already been gifted away for this container.